Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We Interrupt This Game

You know spring is really here when life starts to revolve around ballfield schedules. My days of taking turns at manning the Mountain Park snack bar and socializing in the stands at the games for both of my kids are over and I pass that baton on to the next generation. I have to admit that as hectic as our lives were every spring, I miss those days.

Both Eric and Keri inherited Stan's athletic DNA. (I do not possess one trace of that gene). Eric has lived and breathed sports since he was three years old and has an assortment of scars to prove it. His daughter now is three and has abandoned ballet for T-ball. She only really joined dance classes for the tutu and she wears that with her princess tiara constantly! Her dad, the assistant coach, is so proud. He is also pretty shocked that she listens to him when he tells her to run and mucho impressed that she has a powerful swing despite her wiry frame.

He was not prepared for what happened at the last practice. He knows that three and four year- olds are prone to sitting down in the field and throwing pebbles. But he never saw practice interrupted for hugging. There are only two girls on the team, both named Kylie. They apparently discovered that all important gift that girls seem to recognize instinctively -- friendship -- and they just couldn't contain themselves.

Cathy recently wrote about the Oatmeal greeting card line and I keep picturing a card with two little girls in their helmets on a ballfield, oblivious to their apoplectic fathers, hugging each other and grinning their heads off. But a humorous quip escapes me. If you think of something, feel free to send it to Oatmeal.

Eric tells me that Kylie is just like me -- she never keeps quiet! Well, we have other things in common too: we both wear glasses, love books, and are huggers! It makes Gramma's day to know this.


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Hi Anita - My girls aren't sports minded, but my son (now 27) played baseball. Oh gosh, the practices, the season games, the All-Star games, the fall ball. *sigh* Going through it I thought it would never end and now....well, you know....

anita said...

Hi Lisa - it was fun then, wasn't it? If we weren't so tired from running from one thing to another maybe it would have been better, but it was still pretty good!

Cathy C. Hall said...

You know how I feel about baseball, Anita! When my youngest switched to golf, I seriously think I went through withdrawal. I mean, parents don't take kindly to a mom screaming, "Putt that ball, baby! Do the Birdie Dance!"

Anyway, I think that on-field hug is just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard. You can put a girl in a baseball uniform, but you can't take out the sugar and spice! :-)

anita said...

Thanks, Cathy -- I will be quoting you on that often to my son!