Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another Christmas Past

Christmas 2009 was fun (Christmas Eve with the grandkids) and peacefully quiet (Christmas Day without the grandkids) and, I have to say, the nicest one of the past five. The tree dropped needles by the bucket-load but smelled good. It was determined not to stay up straight until Keri's friend came over and with the strength of Hulk Hogan put it in its place although it still had a bit of a twitch. I discovered a couple of days after Christmas that the cat had chewed apart a string of lights -- we were dangerously close to a remake of Chevy Chase's Christmas scene where the cat became electrified. My little grandson decided no one should be drinking and sent red wine everywhere but I didn't even care -- just got out the Resolve again. I will see Kylie and Logan tomorrow and will have to remember to only drink water while they're here.

The holidays are great for celebrating with the people that you really care about but don't always get to share much time with during the rest of the year. That's why I love reading my friends' blogs -- finding out the funny, wonderful things that are going on in your lives and your minds. Have a wonderful 2010 -- I'll be looking for you here.


Lisa Ricard Claro said...

Sounds like a perfect Christmas. I don't have grandkids, but I have a granddog (3-lb. miniature Dachshund) who ate nearly a third of his weight in Mr. Goodbar. Then my Lab mix ate a glass ornament from the tree. (Yes, our vet is on speed dial.) We now have baby gates blocking all three doorways into the family room. LOL I can't top your red wine disaster, though you are so cheerful about it that I wish you were MY grandma. So glad you had a wonderful holiday. Wishing you a healthful and prosperous (and FUN) 2010.

Cathy C. Hall said...

If my carpet could talk...(it would probably say, "Hey! Get offa me! But THEN, it would say, "Wasn't it fun when coffee spilled THREE times???")

Ah, the holidays. Best in 2010 (and a safe one for your cat!)

anita said...

Yeah, grandkids (and granddoggies) make Christmas fun. I have found that the secret to not spasing out about the carpet is to douse it with cleaner and when that doesn't work completely, push the pile the opposite way. Looks like it has a cowlick but as long as I don't see red it doesn't bother me much.

I hope you have a wonderful 2010, Lisa, and are published many times.

anita said...

Yeah, Cath, I think the cat has it made in this house -- she allows us to live here with her but only on her terms. However, it is nice to have something sleeping next to me!